Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Awareness Blogroll

Our blogroll is open to everyone who is a compassionate blogger who uses their blog to educate, tell a story, bring awareness, and/or build community. If you would like to be added, please send an email to Melissa with your blog information (name and url) as well as which category and parenthetical description would be best. If a category does not yet exist for your blog, please write and suggest one. Our blogroll is always growing and changing.

Adoption/Infertility/Loss (ALI)
  • Add Yourself
Mental Illness
General Health
  • Add Yourself
Parenting Children with Special Needs
Body Image
  • Add Yourself


Antigone said...

Thanks for doing this. As I watch my own blog morph from loss & infertility to divorce & potentially single parenting, I've wondered whether my friends would continue with me along the journey.

Anonymous said...

I strongly recommend you adding a women's health advocacy category. It's amazing to me the number of women who hand over their reproductive and family health to their care providers. We cannot expect improvements in maternal health and fetal/newborn health outcomes until we take responsibility for and participate in care decisions!

(And yes, of course I'm biased. :) )

Antigone said...

Any possibility of adding a divorce/single parenting category?

Anonymous said...

What about vegetarian and environmentally conscience families? I guess most of my blog is focused on that.

Samantha Franklin said...

Just found your awareness community and love the idea. I'm an adult adoptee blogger and would love to be added. Bless you.

Anonymous said...

What about HPV (high-risk) and infertility? It is not recommended to take hormones with HPV high-risk. Although not proven, doctors suspect that hormones encourage HPV to develop (you can have latent HPV for years but "something" sets it off to "grow"). So, women with HPV High Risk cannot use donor ovules ... or donate their own ovules unless they want to put themselves at risk of not overcoming their HPV. So, the only choices are no children, adoption or DE+surrogate. Any experience here with actual mothers or to-be moms who have had to overcome, go around HPV high risk?