Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Day of Reckoning

I wrote the following letter for reading at my dad’s sentencing relating to the violation of a PPO as well as aggravated stalking.

June 14, 2006


I regret the fact that I am unable to be here today to read this letter to you myself; however, I am in Las Vegas with my Union at the UAW Constitutional Convention as a delegate for my Local, helping to make a difference in the lives of others. Isn’t it ironic that it wasn’t that long ago that you yourself were at the Convention doing the exact same thing? What a difference eight years can make. Back then, I aspired to be so much like you. Today, I live my life and raise my children to be as much not like you as I possibly can.

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Becky is the contributing editor for Family Perspective on Addiction. She has recorded part of her story at A Walk in Our Shoes and A Daughter's Journey.

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