Wednesday, September 10, 2008

She Looks Just Like You

Our daughter is now six weeks old – six weeks of experiencing what we had dreamed about for almost seven years. It is still unreal to me, to us, and yet it has happened. All the agonizing we did about using DE and how we would feel was mostly washed away over a year ago when we finally decided on this route and now that the little one is here I truly understand how all our fears meant nothing. I do not feel that oh she’s not genetically mine, that doesn’t bubble up at all. I look into her eyes and think here is a tiny human being and we have been trusted to care for her and give her roots so that when she grows her wings and flies away she’ll also be firmly grounded.

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Why Not Me is a guest blogger on Bridges.

1 comment:

Victoria said...

I love the sweetness n this post. And it's funny that people always saw some resemblance between me and my adoptive parents - and I saw it too. I think you and your daughter do stretch the same way when you wake up and that many other similarities will grow and bond all of us with our children, regardless of genetics.