Thursday, October 30, 2008

Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Update

It’s hard to believe that it’s nearly a year since my first loss and only 4-1/2 months since my last loss. But I am starting to put the pieces together. Here’s the list of causes my Reproductive Endocrinologist outlined for me at my early June visit as well as my status in each of these areas. I hope this may help others who have experienced multiple losses advocate for the help they need.

Yeah, it really stinks to think that I could have lost babies due to low-grade infection, but it is possible. The RE recommends that I do a round of antibiotics during early pregnancy.

This category refers to things like clotting disorders, immuno-deficiency illnesses, and the like that can and do contribute to primary and secondary infertility. When clear immunological problems are not identified through extensive blood testing, doctors seem to recommend taking a baby aspirin (81 mg) a day as a possible protective measure. My bloodwork came back just fine and dandy!

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The Trial of Labor is a guest blogger for Bridges.

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